Experience. Creativity. Knowledge.
Welcome. For those considering working with Roger on poems, he would be delighted to work out a timetable of submissions and conferences tailored to any schedule. If you’re interested in expanding your range, syntax, facility with language, need help with a manuscript, or all of the above, please use the links in the section below. If you’re interested in art, sculpture, a commission, a poetry reading or art exhibition, please visit the Contact page.

A Couple Testimonials...
“Working with Roger Weingarten on my third book manuscript is helping me refine my poetry writing skills. He provides constructive critiques, suggests revisions and strategies to develop my ideas more fully, challenges me to push beyond self-imposed boundaries, and encourages me to keep writing and growing. Roger’s years of experience as a creative writing professor and his excellence as a poet himself make him a wonderful resource for poets who want to improve their work. Plus, he’s fun! I highly recommend Roger!”
“I had the chance to renew an old friendship with Roger Weingarten that began long ago when I entered the MFA Program at Vermont College. We worked through my complete manuscript with long phone calls that left me marveling at how my poems felt renewed. Because Roger is such a master at helping a writer get the best from his/her work, the process felt like uncovering the poem within the poem. Most importantly, I feel like I am now writing the best poetry of my life as I am seeing what Roger would see. During these months of dialogue, I had many poems published in literary magazines, and I won the Pablo Neruda Prize from Nimrod.”
a little about roger, from roger
I began to grapple with digital art and sculpture in the mid-60s after a life of writing and teaching poetry. I just published my 11th collection of poems and have shown my artwork in North Carolina, Vermont, and online in Numero Cinq Magazine.
work with roger
Having successfully phone conferenced with hundreds of poets, Roger is able to work closely with poets around the world.
Check out the documentary centered around Roger's show "Nightsong wih Parasol" at the Center for Arts and Learning in Montpelier.
Take a look at Roger’s Instagram account to view his newest pieces of artwork.