Art biography
While my mother started sculpting stone in her late 70s after a life dedicated to business, I began to grapple with digital art and sculpture in my mid-60s after a life of writing and teaching poetry. I just published my 11th collection of poems and shown my art work in N. Carolina, Vermont, and online in Numero Cinq Magazine.
I cannonball into color and shape—saturated, complicated or scraped to the bone. My work incorporates improv, metamorphosis, history, humor—gallows, satiric, scatological—and in and out of a restless imagination: some of my titles--“Torn Woman Weaving a Basket Around Herself,” “Ku Klux Night on the Town,” “Audubon Variations 1-34,” “Double Narcissus,” “Soubrette with Ostrich Plume,” “4 Days of Walking out of and into a Body,” “Tea Party in Hell,” “Fish Trump,” “Nude with Swordfish,” and “Medium Walking the Sea of Serenity”--speak to its range.
Exhibition Resume
2017 | "The Blue Touch" in juried show at The Wood Art Gallery, Montpelier, VT
2017 | Solo Exhibition, Palace of Wisdom, Montpelier, VT
2017 | Solo Exhibition, Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, VT
2017 | Solo Exhibition, Montpelier City Center, Montpelier, VT
2016 | Solo Exhibition, Center for Arts and Learning, Montpelier, VT
2016 | Solo Exhibition, The Wisdom Place of Fine Art, AKA Advaced Chiropractic, Montpelier, VT
2016 | Pop-Up Art Show and Talk: "The Life and Times of my Last Idea," St. Michaels College, Colchester, VT
2016 | Online Exhibition, Numero Cinq Magazine, www.numercinqmagazine.com
2016 | Two Person Exhibition, Axel's Gallery, Waterbusy, VT
2016 | Solo Exhibition, Sweet Melissa's, Montpelier, VT
2015 | Montpelier Art Walk, Salaam Boutique, Montpelier, VT
2015 | Solo Exhibition, Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, VT
2015 | Solo Exhibition, Methodist University, Fayetteville, NC
2015 | Solo Exhibition, Sorkin Fine Arts, Charlotte, NC
2015 | Solo Exhibition, Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, VT
3 Completed Commissions
Work in 17 Private Collections
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